What is photosynthesis?
Photosynthesis is a fascinating process that is taking place all over the world. And it is thanks to photosynthesis, that you, your family, your friends, your colleagues and all of the beings on Earth, are alive.
Who can make photosynthesis?
Plants. All the trees, shrubs, grasses, ferns, the plants that you might have in your house and all the ones that you can see from your window.
Algae. These are organisms that are usually found underwater and they come in all sizes, from giant kelp forests to microscopic sizes, like phytoplankton.
Cyanobacteria. A type of bacteria that can almost be found everywhere on earth. There are cyanobacteria in the oceans, lakes, rivers, underground water, soil, even rocks!
How does photosynthesis occur?
Photosynthesis is the process that plants, algae and cyanobacteria use to produce their own food. We, humans, and other animals, are not able to produce our own food. We need to eat in order to have energy and the essential nutrients to be alive. This means, that we are heterotrophs. That is why we have to look for food, by going to the supermarket, or by foraging or hunting like other animals do.
Photosynthesis is the process by which an organism can make its own food. This means to be an autotroph. All heterotrophs need autotrophs to live. That means, we humans, need plants, algae and bacteria to be alive.
Let’s think like trees for a moment. Trees are fixed on the soil. They don’t walk. Nevertheless, trees have roots, trunks, branches and leaves. And they can make photosynthesis. Trees take energy from the sun, carbon dioxide from the air, and water and nutrients from the soil to create their own food. That food is called glucose, a type of sugar.
Let’s reflect for a moment about that (see diagram below). Trees are actually eating solar energy, carbon dioxide, water and nutrients from the soil. Plants are capable of eating solar energy to create their own energy. Plants can eat carbon dioxide to produce glucose to have energy. Plants take the water and the nutrients from the soil to be able to grow, to make fruits, flowers, leaves, roots, branches and trunks. That means that they are capable of eating things that we can’t. And in the process of creating their own food, they also create food for every other single being on Earth!
Figure 1. In the top part, the elements that are necessary for photosynthesis. Autotroph organisms use water, solar energy, carbon dioxide and nutrients in the soil to produce their own food. As a result, via photosynthesis, oxygen and glucose are also created as additional products.
And how do I use photosynthesis in my life?
In several ways. And every single day.
When you breathe. Thanks to photosynthesis, oxygen is created by plants, algae and cyanobacteria. That means that thanks to photosynthesis you and I can breathe. That inhalation and exhalation that you just did, thanks to photosynthesis.
When you eat. We actually eat a lot of products that come from plants. Think about apples, pears, bananas, blueberries, oranges, mango, dates, and so much other fruits. Also peanuts, almonds, macadamias, chestnuts, walnuts, hazelnuts, cashews. Also wheat, rice, corn, potatoes, soy. They come from plants that make photosynthesis. And think about all the animals that we eat, chickens, cows, pigs and goats. They are fed with corn, soy and other plants.
Other way we use photosynthesis is by using products that come from trees. Materials like wood, paper and firewood. That means, all our furniture, books and BBQ. All thanks to photosynthesis.
We also use photosynthesis by being able to stand in the shadow of a tree and enjoy a more comfortable temperature. Maybe you remember being in the middle of the city during summer, in a very hot day. The heat of the city. But if you go to a park in the city, or an area where you can find trees, you immediately feel relieved. Temperature drops. You body feels more comfortable among the trees, in their shadows. If you haven’t felt that, it is not difficult. Next summer, try that little experiment.
Another way, is to relax and to heal. Being surrounded by trees and nature relaxes our nervous system, reduces stress and, if we are sick, makes it possible to heal faster. Again, all thanks to photosynthesis.
To conclude
I hope that this text has brought you closer to appreciate the wonderful process that photosynthesis is. I hope you have a better understanding how photosynthesis is basic for our survival. Take a second to look trough your window and appreciate all the millions of plants, algae and bacteria that are doing photosynthesis in this right moment, and therefore, are making our lives possible. And maybe from that feeling of gratitude, you can bring a little bit of green to your house. Maybe a mint or basil plant. They have a nice smell and you can use them for cooking. Or just a nice plant with flowers that you can look everyday and remind you of the beauty of the world.
If you want to do a guided meditation about photosynthesis, click here.
Photosynthesis is a very complex chemical and biological process that takes place in different organisms. There are various mechanisms and parts of the cell that are involved in this process. There is a lot more complexity and detail to photosynthesis, that the one I wrote in this text. But the purpose of this text was not to explain that part of photosynthesis. The purpose was to bring a different perspective about what photosynthesis is and to wonder about all the benefits that we get from it.